Coreen School

Located at Blacktown in the Western Sydney Region.

Telephone02 9622 1095

Warami wellamabami 

It is good to see you, wherever you are from. 

At Coreen School our vision is to inspire students to be self-reliant, responsible and socially appropriate members of the community. We equip students with skills to experience personal achievement in managing their emotional and behavioural needs. Our shared values are excellence, equity, trust, service, integrity and accountability.  The students and staff at Coreen School acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Darug land and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We welcome all Aboriginal and non Aboriginal people to our school and believe that when we go gently on Darug land we are all united as one community.

Coreen School is a School for Specific Purposes that caters for 70 students who present with an emotional disturbance and/or behaviour disorder. Students may also have additional learning needs/diagnosis such as autism and/or a mild intellectual disability. Enrolments come through an access request and the state-wide placement panel process. Students are high school age and engage in a variety of life skills curriculum programs. Students in the Tutorial program are shared enrolments with mainstream high schools and may complete mainstream curriculum. Our school is well resourced with specialised classrooms, a gym, swimming pool and 3 school buses that provide access to the many community based programs we make accessible to our students. We are located in Blacktown and are part of the Bungarribee Network within the Metropolitan South and West School Performance Directorate. Our Principal is a member of the Blacktown Area Primary Principal's Council within the Primary Principal's Association. We work in partnership with Nurringingy Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group.



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